If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Asia Strategi Konsulting

advises organizations on high-level of a company in an unbiased fashion, using deep industry knowledge to deliver the best results.

Audacious leaders define the future. In this day and age, technologically advances are moving a fast pace and the business industry is demanding more than ever for companies to improve time management, deliver quality output efficiently and establish better goals.

Asia Strategi Konsulting consists of unique collaborative culture full of passionate people who care more about your success. We bring fresh perspective and transformative energy to every client relationship.

We emphasis on teamwork, trust and tolerance for diverging opinions help clients focus on their opportunities, build their capabilities and win the future.

Together, we achieve results of the next level of achievement.

Effect of GRC in siloid programs are as follows:

Wrong or counter-productive objectives are established

Sub optimal strategies are selected

Performance is not optimized

Reach Us Here

Head Office (JAKARTA):

Citi Hub-Harton Tower, 3rd Floor
Jl. Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading Kav.D No.3
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14240
Phone +62 21-5089-7186