If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Integrated GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance)

GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) are the three facets that help assuring that an organization meets its objectives. Organizations develop all kind of departments and systems such as stand-alone such as corporate governance, performance management programs, risk management programs, compliance programs, internal audit departments, information security programs, corporate social responsibility programs etc.

Research finds that these programs tend to be “siloed and disjointed” all departments are doing very similar things in different ways. And all that create high cost of duplicated and inefficient efforts. Lack of visibility into risk, inability to address third party risks, difficulty in risk-adjusted performance, and too many negative surprises.

Big Data in Human Capital

With the growing amount of employees, customers & transactions, human capital are compelled to divert themselves towards the newer technologies to aid faster decision-making amid a volatile business environment. A huge amount of talent or people related data ranging from skills to performance ratings, age, tenure, safety record, sales performance, educational background, manager, prior roles etc. Understanding these aspects can assist in knowing the current composition, performance, and risk to improve the development of employees, products and services. With such a bunch of data resources, human capital professionals can evaluate and enhance practices including recruitment, training and development, performance, compensation, and overall business performance.

Big Data & Analytics

Data analytics technologies and techniques provide a means to analyze data sets and draw conclusion about them which help organizations make informed business decisions, business intelligence queries answers to basic questions about business operations and performance.

Big Data analytics offer various business benefits such as new revenue opportunities, more effective marketing, better customer service, improve operational efficiency, competitive advantages over rivals.

Artificial Intelligence for Business

Artificial Intelligence and Business strategy initiative explore the growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape. The exploration look specifically of how AI is affecting the development and the execution of strategy in organization.

Blockchain for corporate operations

Blockchain is a distributed database, also known as a ledger, it is shared over a larger computer network. There is a copy of the shared ledger in each one of the computers on the network.

Every block on the chain is a piece of data, which has been mathematically encrypted. There are numerous protocols required before each block is validated. This need consensus from several others before it is added to the existing chain.

The complex and highly encrypted design, the blockchain has no single point of failure. Hackers can’t simply cracked one computer node to steal data. They would need to attack every node on the chain, simultaneously. Blockchain is effectively unhackable.

IoT (Internet of Things)

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies such as

Real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors and embedded systems.

Design & Implement Anti Fraud Management

Fraud become more and more prominent in the world. With the technology advances so are the sophistication and variety of frauds. The consequences of poor fraud prevention cost government and people at large enormously. Anti Fraud Management is a seamless system within risk management and Integrated GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) to become trust worthy and competitive advantage organization.

Design & Implement Anti-Corruption Management - ISO 37001

Bribery or corruption cause unfavorable for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), fine and regulatory actions are the major consequences and it affects employee morale as well.

Anti- Bribery Management-ISO 37001 assurances to management, investors, employees, customers, and other stakeholders that the organization is taking steps to prevent bribery.

Strategic Management

Strategic management is the creation of a unique and valuable position involving a set of activities.

Strategic management has changed in the 21st century. This is due the disruptive technology.

Strategy is not operational effectiveness.

International Business

Increase respective economic values. To accomplish this goal the organization must develop its individual strategy and approach to maximize value, lower costs and increase profits.

Critical analysis on globalization, international business strategy.

GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) are the three facets that help assuring that an organization meets its objectives. Organizations develop all kind of departments and systems such as stand-alone such as corporate governance, performance management programs, risk management programs, compliance programs, internal audit departments, information security programs, corporate social responsibility programs etc.

Research finds that these programs tend to be “siloed and disjointed” all departments are doing very similar things in different ways. And all that create high cost of duplicated and inefficient efforts. Lack of visibility into risk, inability to address third party risks, difficulty in risk-adjusted performance, and too many negative surprises.

With the growing amount of employees, customers & transactions, human capital are compelled to divert themselves towards the newer technologies to aid faster decision-making amid a volatile business environment. A huge amount of talent or people related data ranging from skills to performance ratings, age, tenure, safety record, sales performance, educational background, manager, prior roles etc. Understanding these aspects can assist in knowing the current composition, performance, and risk to improve the development of employees, products and services. With such a bunch of data resources, human capital professionals can evaluate and enhance practices including recruitment, training and development, performance, compensation, and overall business performance.

Data analytics technologies and techniques provide a means to analyze data sets and draw conclusion about them which help organizations make informed business decisions, business intelligence queries answers to basic questions about business operations and performance.

Big Data analytics offer various business benefits such as new revenue opportunities, more effective marketing, better customer service, improve operational efficiency, competitive advantages over rivals.

Artificial Intelligence and Business strategy initiative explore the growing use of artificial intelligence in the business landscape. The exploration look specifically of how AI is affecting the development and the execution of strategy in organization.

Blockchain is a distributed database, also known as a ledger, it is shared over a larger computer network. There is a copy of the shared ledger in each one of the computers on the network.

Every block on the chain is a piece of data, which has been mathematically encrypted. There are numerous protocols required before each block is validated. This need consensus from several others before it is added to the existing chain.

The complex and highly encrypted design, the blockchain has no single point of failure. Hackers can’t simply cracked one computer node to steal data. They would need to attack every node on the chain, simultaneously. Blockchain is effectively unhackable.

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies such as

Real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors and embedded systems.

Fraud become more and more prominent in the world. With the technology advances so are the sophistication and variety of frauds. The consequences of poor fraud prevention cost government and people at large enormously. Anti Fraud Management is a seamless system within risk management and Integrated GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) to become trust worthy and competitive advantage organization.

Bribery or corruption cause unfavorable for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), fine and regulatory actions are the major consequences and it affects employee morale as well.

Anti- Bribery Management-ISO 37001 assurances to management, investors, employees, customers, and other stakeholders that the organization is taking steps to prevent bribery.

Strategic management is the creation of a unique and valuable position involving a set of activities.

Strategic management has changed in the 21st century. This is due the disruptive technology.

Strategy is not operational effectiveness.

Increase respective economic values. To accomplish this goal the organization must develop its individual strategy and approach to maximize value, lower costs and increase profits.

Critical analysis on globalization, international business strategy.

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Jl. Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading Kav.D No.3
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14240
Phone +62 21-5089-7186